Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Spread a little cheer this season...

I just wanted to share this link for Toys for Tots and ask everyone (ok...all 3-4 of you who read this silly thing) to make a small donation to a worthy cause. It's all about the kids this time of year and this is a great charity that's all about making sure no kid goes without a little something. I made my donations today to Toys for Tots and my local newspaper Santa. I know that if money is tight for me this year with heating and gas prices going crazy, it must be so much worse for those already struggling financially. So I juggled the budget a bit and found a little money and gave it away. And you know made ME smile to do it. And that's a good thing.

Monday, December 10, 2007

A few little changes...

Feeling a bit bored with the "old" look, so I did a little playing around this morning and settled on this one...for now. Someday I will learn how to personalize my banner and general design, but for now I'm happy that there are people out there who make fun templates for me to play with.

It was a great weekend - some good football, a Christmas tree, some quality time with John and lots of good food. I have some pictures to share that I remembered to download from the camera, but forgot to upload to Flickr so that I could easily post them here. I'll try to get to that tonight in between decorating the tree (can we talk about the 2 adorable little mice that had decided to finagle their way into my Christmas stuff in the shed? What? You didn't actually hear the screams? LOL!) and doing some general cleaning that didn't get done this weekend.

Here's to finding my Christmas spirit and enjoying the season...and finding a new home for those critters in the shed! ;)

Friday, December 7, 2007

Baby steps and clutter...

I am a pack-rat...not nearly as bad as some, but more than I can stand. I've been trying to take baby steps to simplify my life and neaten things up. This past week it's been cleaning out my email accounts. Sounds simple enough doesn't it? But I keep things "just in case" waaaayyyy too often and for far too long. But I'm proud of myself. I've been purging and filing emails and I think I've done a fantastic job of it! And for the past week, I've been keeping up with reading them as they come and deciding what to do with them right then. I've been really good about resisting the impulse to save it "just in case" and hitting the delete button. Small steps I know, but it's making me feel more able to tackle the next scrapbook supplies! But maybe I'll wait until after the new year to start that project...(did I mention that I'm a horrible procrastinator too??? LOL!).

It's a quiet day at work and I had a chance to play on Flickr a bit. Here's today's mosaic from the new favorites I found:

1. the road, 2. Red Berries in the Snow, 3. After the snow, 4. Snow tunnel, 5. First Snow, 6. Picture 040, 7. Tobias, 8. Holiday Cards, 9. Love Me Ephemera Album, 10. Got Snow?, 11. Solitude, 12. My throne, 13. Cosmos lady, 14. lily girl, 15. rosehips wreath, 16. porch, 17. morning, 18. On the Bed, 19. Tree at work, 20. peek, 21. Fall Colors, 22. primizie a siena, 23. HIEDRA // IVY, 24. Tulip on Slate, 25. winter wonderland

Now I'm totally inspired to do something creative and colorful! I promise next time I'll upload some of my own photos. I've been taking one each day for December so I can create a little book (check out Ali Edwards' blog for this idea). Maybe I'll get a chance to upload them this weekend and share.

Can I go home now? Happy weekend all!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007


There isn't enough of it. Another month has gone by since my last post and although it was eventful and busy, I feel a bit of a failure because I neglect to keep up with this blog. I live with all the best of intentions and yet I still have not mastered the ability to follow through on all of them.

Here's the quick update...
  • My grandfather passed away on November 12. He was 84. And while I'm terribly sad that he's not here with us anymore, I am so glad that his pain has ended and that he's been reunited with my grandmother and mother. There is a hole in my life now...and I can only wait for time to heal it.
  • I spent a lot of time with family last month and it was good. Very good.
  • Thanksgiving was a wonderful day...great food, lots of laughs and memories made.
  • John and I have started working on the house. We've done some insulation that was needed in the basement and we've been wandering HD and Lowe's making plans, plotting budgets and wishing to win the lottery!
  • Snow season is here and I am happy!
  • John and I went to a Festival of Trees at a local church this past weekend and got totally inspired for the season.

This weekend we're taking a little road trip to see the lights at LaSalette Shrine in Attleboro, Mass. and we're getting our first Christmas tree. I'm really making an effort to embrace the holidays this year instead of thinking that "next year I'll go see all the lights and do all the things I've been planning". Life is short and the moments should be embraced as they come. And it's up to me to make sure that I live and see and do as much as I can.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

In love with Flickr...

1. Grieving, 2. Remembering another age...., 3. meet me on tiptoe, 4. colori d' autunno, 5. Untitled, 6. Flipflops, 7. Untitled, 8. Fall road (wide angle), 9. ciclos, 10. The Long Way Home, 11. Trebbia, 12. Koi Tattoo Three Years Old in 2007

Some of my favorites from browsing the images the past couple days. LOVE this mosaic maker and glad that Ali Edwards posted the link for it.

Friday, September 28, 2007

Totally inspired right now...

By this: I want to go home and make something like it...right now! Except that those dang bosses of mine might have an issue with it...

But at least I have this class to look forward to tonight: I love Sarah's classes!

And last bit of today's's my two month anniversary of dating John. It still feels like high school counting the weeks and months, but since that's where our story's all good! I'm going to enjoy the giddy feelings and drink in these special moments.


Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Check this out...

Too cool! It's a running stream of all the pictures being uploaded to Blogger in real time...

Completely fascinating and addictive! If you click on the "show info" in the lower right corner, you can actually see the blogs they're on. Such incredible photography...from all over the world!


Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Fun times...

I had an unusually good weekend...lots of lucky shopping, laughs and good times.

Saturday I went to Target to get treats for Enzo and decided that I'd wander the store a bit since I had some free time. I actually found jeans that fit (and were on sale!), got a new backpack/purse for my trip to the Simply Southern Scrapbook Convention,, a couple new tops and some presents for John. Unbelievably good shopping for me! Then it was off to Wright's Farm for dinner - YUMMY! And we ended the night with John giving me a tour of Woonsocket and his "beat" from when he was on the police force there. Let's just say it was very interesting. Saw some things I hadn't seen before and will be OK not seeing again. But it was nice to get to see where he lived and worked for 13 years.

Sunday was apple picking day with my girls, DJ and Shelly. What a gorgeous day we had and all the kids were in good moods! The only "bad" part was that I forgot my camera in the car and didn't get any pictures of them actually picking the apples. Bummer! But we had a great time, picked about 40 lbs. of apples and stuffed ourselves with fresh kettle popcorn! Then it was off to meet John for lunch at McDonalds (part of the tradition), visit Grampa with all the kids - so good to see him smile and laugh with them - and a quick trip to PetCo and Michael's at the girls' request. And after all that, I parked myself on the couch and John and I watched TV and relaxed the rest of the day.

Life is good! Pictures of the fun to follow...

Thursday, September 20, 2007

So many changes...

It's been a very interesting few months in so many ways. I know I can't cover it all, so I'll just give the highlights...

First and most important...there is now John. A man who was my best friend many years ago and who is my best friend again. There is a very cool story to go with this, but that 's for another time.

New furnace (ugh!!!) coming next week. Should be interesting to see how they get the old one out and the new one in. Remember, I live in the house that Bubba built. Seriously.

I finally got the desk from Pier1 that I've been drooling over for a couple years! Love it! And a really nice leather club chair from Target that fits my living room perfectly.

I blew a head gasket on the Tahoe. Enough said about that one.

Been struggling with my grandfather getting cancer (on top of his other health problems) and getting the right care for him. Not fun at all.

And struggling with the stupid things your family does when things like that happens. Somedays it's not so bad to be an only child I think.

Ok...gotta run for now. Be back soon. Really!

Thursday, May 24, 2007





I have so, so many of these and I can't seem to find a way to organize/achieve them. I'm always making lists - both written and imaginary. I have a "wish list" for this 4-day weekend I have coming up and I really, really, really want to try and achieve most of it. I'm going to need a lot of discipline and some good wishes (and maybe a prayer or two wouldn't hurt either) to get through the list. It's not long at all and totally realistic in terms of time v. projects, but I get sidetracked far to easily. Can someone please send me some organization skills and discipline to help me with this???

Lately it seems I'm so attached to "words" as they define me, my life, my feelings. I'm totally inspired by the new One Little Word blog [] to start documenting this trend in my life. I may not make the first challenge for "Go" (but I do have some cute ideas). I'm thinking I might make a little journal/scrapbook just dedicated to these words that grab me on an emotional level. I saw this one this morning... What a stinkin' cute cover!

I'm also really inspired by the 1+1+1 challenge on this blog: This is a very cool idea and would be such a great exercise for me. I think I need to add it to this weekend's "wish list" and make it a reality.

Last...a little love for my fabulously talented friend Cheryl and the new project she created this week: Her work is so totally amazing and inspiring. I am blessed to have her as a friend and to have had the opportunity to really see how her mind works when it comes to altering projects (definitely creative...but kind of twisted too! LOL!). If you've never seen her blog, you'll be amazed. :)
TGIF! (for me anyway) It's almost time to head home and let the fun begin. Happy Long Weekend all!

Monday, May 21, 2007


These dang Monday's keep sneaking up on me! The weekend flew by...but it was a lot of fun with some quiet time thrown in for good measure.

Met Tracy at Cracker Barrel for breakfast Saturday morning before heading north. YUMMY! Filled up on my favorite foods and then it was off to the convention. We took two classes - one was awful and one was fantastic. I learned a few new tricks, made some really cute cards and only went over budget by $20! I was so well behaved. Very proud of myself!

Sunday was a day of rest - it kept raining, then not raining, then thundering, then sunny, then misty. Quintessential New England weather! But I did manage to get a little yard work done between the rain. You'll be pleased to know that my shrubs have been pruned and I have a lovely vase of lilacs in my bedroom. I got dinner for me and dessert for Grampa and went to see him for a little while. A good visit - he loved his warm apple pie and was feeling OK.

While surfing my favorite blogs this morning, I found these two new ones and thought I'd share them...

I'm heading home in a few minutes and I think I'll keep the creativity from this weekend going and make some cards.

See you soon!

Friday, May 18, 2007

Check out this site...

I got this link from Karen Russell's blog (one of my favorites). Very inspiring and some cool ideas!

I'm off to Manchester, NH tomorrow with Tracy to take a couple classes at the CK Convention. We're meeting for breakfast at Cracker Barrell (YUM!) and heading out early. Should be a fun day! If only I can manage to control the instant gratification impulse and avoid the shopping area!

Happy Friday all!

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

An example of enjoying the simple things...

I got someone to mow my lawn this summer! And I might still have enough money to eat each week! But at least my yard will look spiffy. :)

A new start...

A new blog to commemorate this new phase in my life! Loving the look, new title and new feel.

There have been so many changes in the past year...becoming single, moving home, losing one of my dogs, even moving to a brand-new floor at work. I'm now officially a teacher at Right at Home Scrapbooking ( - how cool to get to share my passion with others! My work (both cards and layouts) was published in the last year too! That was so cool...seeing my name as the artist!

I have some wonderful friends and I'm making more every day. I hope this will be a way for me to keep in touch with some of them.

Peace to all!

I think I'm back.  I just spent some time updating the look and my info so at least one new post is called for.  I'm still alive, st...