- New job in a new (sort of) field. And I think it's going to be good.
- Serious accidental injury to little Miss Olive that consumed a month of our lives.
- LOTS of wedding planning.
- A lovely weekend in Camden, Maine to finalize said wedding planning.
- Fun and wonderful engagement photography shoot with Sierra Kristen Photography.
- Many, many pictures taken with my many cameras.
- New family phone plan for John and I (BIG step!) and cool new smartphones...and texting.
- Some serious yard work being done in reclaiming the pretty that used to be here.
- Actually going to the gym on a regular basis...and enjoying it.
- Making peace with some changes in friendships and the ups and downs in these relationships.
- Serious decisions made about the house we live in now and where we want to retire.
Those about sum up the what's been going on.
And for what's happening now... I'm going to try to inspire regular posting with documenting my 100 days of summer 2010. Maybe this simple concept can help me build a good habit of regular posting and documenting life. Maybe not. But I'm committed to trying.
To kick off Summer 2010, John and I did LOTS of yard work this weekend (36 bags of mulch spread over Saturday and Sunday and one of the major garden beds was weeded). And for the first unofficial day of summer, we put the grill into use and had a lovely dinner. And I planted many, many seeds in hopes of a small garden, some sunflowers and some cosmos.
I wonder what I can do tomorrow that will be summer inspired?
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