Saturday, February 28, 2009

Searching for spring...

Yesterday's warm weather (it was still 55 degrees out when I left work!) is making me long for spring.  So in an effort to get ready I did a little shopping.  Meet the new spring bag that will be arriving soon...
I had a gift certificate to Ann Taylor and they had a great sale code so really, I only paid $16 for this and a white t-shirt (the Loft has the best basic t-shirts).   Hopefully they'll be in soon!

Friday, February 27, 2009

Holy moley...I WON!!!

I actually won the Housewarming Prize from House of 3!!!  (I'm still jumping up and down!).   There is an amazing book project that I can't wait to make and some gorgeous papers to print.  And fabulous frames.  Gorgeous quotes and lovely swirly things all over all of it!  Thank you so much Heidi, Rhonna and Janet!   Be sure to check out their blogs (see my links) and their books they created for the housewarming.  I can't wait for the party to start tomorrow...I've got a printer full of ink, some great matte photo paper and all day off.  Perfect!


Of this:
My tax refund came in today and I had promised myself that I'd order this the minute I got it. But I'm feeling a bit guilty after buying the iPod Touch...which I love more every day! My little pocket Canon isn't dead yet, although it has started acting a bit wonky at times. I think I've made my peace with putting the money away for this and waiting until I actually NEED to replace my camera. Until then, I plan on spending my time playing with the Photoshop Elements 6 upgrade I recently got and taking a digital class or two at (these were my Christmas presents to me!).

It's a beautiful day here in NE (almost 60 degrees!) and I never got outside! I hate when that happens. And, of course, we're right back to cold winter weather for the weekend. It's the perfect excuse to stay in my pajamas and play all day. :) Maybe I'll even get to upload some recent projects I've done!

Happy weekend!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Updating the look, checking in and wishing for Spring...

Loving the new freebie blog look from House of 3! And the fact that it could win me some goodies...even better!

Life has been really hectic and crazy and annoying and fun lately. Here's the quick and easy update done in lovely bullet form:
  • John's car finally dies...60 miles from the end of January. The "red devil" (his name for it, not mine!) has 190,000 miles on it and was definitely past its prime. This was the kick-off for the past few weeks and set the tone of dealing with/putting out of fires.

  • I learn that my perfect man has an amazing buying completely freaks him out! He was a wreck and had a real hard time finding the fun in the reality of "you have to get one, so enjoy the process". He is now the proud (and happy) owner of a beautiful 2008 black Chevy Trailblazer. Love it!

  • Without giving TMI...I had a really, really bad monthly happening. Not loving this getting older and all the joys it can bring. It set me back a couple days of feeling lousy. And John proved his wonderfulness all over again.

  • We had a accident/health scare with my dad that was just too scary. Thank goodness John was able to come get me and bring me to the hospital (a lovely 2 hour drive for him) and that it ended up not being too serious. He's getting old too and he isn't a healthy man overall. His medications got all screwed up, he thought he had a bad cold (turned out to be an issue with a medication that mimicked a cold), was chugging Nyquil to get some relief, not eating and generally just not paying attention to things and it all came to a head and he had an accident with his truck...luckily in his driveway and the neighbor saw it and was able to help him. Hopefully he's on the road back to feeling better after a long visit with his doctor and readjusting of his medications. Did I forget to mention the joy of dealing with siblings and all their lovely quirkiness throughout all of this???

  • We noted the 20th anniversary of my mother's death. I can't believe it's been that long. And that it can still be so painful sometimes.

  • Out of the blue...and I really, really, really mean out of the blue...I get a casual "Friend" request on Facebook from two people from my past who are best left there. One was an old roommate/good friend that I had a terrible experience with involving her second husband that resulted in the loss of the friendship and the other was...are you sitting down and biological father. Really. Couldn't make this up if I tried. Talk about opening up a whole, old, yucky can of worms and sending things spinning for me. I cannot even fathom the thought process for him that this was the way to contact me after almost 20 years. No email through Facebook, just a "Friend" request. I still haven't been able to respond to these and I'm not comfortable just ignoring them or rejecting them. Hopefully soon I'll find right words to send.

  • John and I celebrated Friday the 13th and Valentine's Day by playing hooky from work on the 13th and going shopping and getting a nice lunch. Here's what we brough home:
  • One for each of us! This is our "Happy 2009" gift to each other. I don't think I've loved an electronic device half as much as this one! It's better than I thought it would be and John feels the same way. Love, love, love it!
  • I have forgiven myself for falling off the Project 365 wagon this year. I did it all last year and I have come to the conclusion that my life is just NOT that interesting...even to me! LOL! Maybe I'll get recharged to start again when I get a new camera.

I think this post is long enough for now! Back soon with photos and hopefully an updated blog topper with fancy fonts!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Uh oh...Someone please talk me out of this...

Love, love, love this bag! This site is cool! Check it out:

So many bright, fun and colorful goodies! I think I've found a home for some of my tax refund! loser...but boy I'm lovin' the new look!

Isn't this blog purty now??? Love, love, love this new set up I got from It's got some VERY cool goodies and 3 of my favorite, fabulous designers! I've already picked out my new blog spring look and 4-5 more I'd love to use.

(Anyone know how I can change the font/location of my title using html??? Help!)

Life has been somewhat crazy the past few with broken down cars far from home...buying a new one...

A more detailed update to follow soon!

I think I'm back.  I just spent some time updating the look and my info so at least one new post is called for.  I'm still alive, st...