Somehow I forgot to post the magic that took place in my yard yesterday morning! When I let the dogs out there were some very small birds darting about and they were moving to fast for me to get a good enough look to identify them. Totally intrigued, I put the dogs back in and went outside to see if I could get a better look. And I was delighted to find a hummingbird flying by me on its way to my flowering quince bush for a little taste...
It flitted about the flowers for a few minutes, taking time to rest and be still on the branches a couple times, while I tried to will my camera to come to me! It was so lovely to watch and a gift to get to see it for so long. She was beautiful and I hope to see her again soon!
A little later in the day, we were packing up John for the trip to Maine and I heard a little bit of bird chatter. I looked around and found 3 Baltimore Orioles having a little party in the same flowering quince and my maple tree! They were flying all over the place! I am usually lucky enough to see one of these beautiful birds once or twice a year in my yard. I have never had 3 of them at one time and never heard them chatter the way they were. It was awesome!
I'm off to a good start for this spring's bird sightings!
Oh, and soon, we're going to have baby robins! They have built a nest on top of the rear wheel of John's 4-wheeler that's parked next to the shed. Yes. On top of the wheel! There are 2-3 eggs in there and we figure they'll hatch some time next week. I'm going to try to get some pictures without upsetting the mother bird. Wish me luck!
Now it's time to get ready for the big day at the new job...