Wednesday, September 23, 2009

For John...

Happy Engagementaversary baby! One year ago you made me so very happy (with MANY witnesses and photographic evidence to prove it!). I love you!

(still owe an update post, but that's for tomorrow...)

Friday, September 11, 2009

21 day challenge with Rhonna Farrer...

::The {21} Challenge::

I'm taking part in Rhonna's 21-day challenge that is now on Day 4. I'm not doing an art project for it, but I am trying to work on a habit that I want to change. With a new puppy, an older sick dog, John's job giving both of us lots of stress and just having a lot of things to do with deadlines, I really feel a need to work on being patient and rolling with what life gives me in the best way I can. So far, so good. Things have been especially stressful since I started this (isn't that always the way? decide to work on patience and suddenly there are MANY things that require just that!) and I've been really happy with the way I've handled things. I've resisted the urge to let anger or frustration get the best of me. And it feels good to succeed. I'm hoping that 21 days of concentrated attention to this will build a good habit that I can maintain.

Thank you Rhonna for doing this challenge again and for the beautiful artwork you're posting every day to encourage everyone!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Meet Miss Olive Mae

She's the newest addition to the family. She's a 3 month old, potty-trained, crate-trained bulldog. She's the most easy-going puppy I have ever met. She was an immediate member of the family...accepted almost immediately by Enzo and loved immediately by John and I. She's wrinkly, funny looking, snorty and a total love. We are so lucky to have her.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Love these faces...

Only the little one didn't make a crazy face for the camera...but I'm sure that phase is coming soon!

Check this out...

There's a very cool give-away at Skip to My Lou. You can see it here. I love these canvases. Very different and fun!

I think I'm back.  I just spent some time updating the look and my info so at least one new post is called for.  I'm still alive, st...